Spent yesterday at the absolutely wonderful "Art in Action" at Waterperry Gardens, near Oxford. Such a range of wonderful individualistic work in all sorts of materials. We were lucky that it didn't rain while we were there and we were able to enjoy lunch in the open air with brilliant salads and a real espresso cart and later in the day scrummy cakes!!!
The textiles tent was a little thinner than last year but there were some stunning artists demonstrating their techniques and with examples of work for sale too!
I loved the work of Margo Selby who weaves her own fabric, especially liked the silk and elastane fabrics - very geometric and bold. I was able to buy some offcuts of her fabric which will work so well for a black and cream quilt I am going to make for my sister-in-law.
The other artist I was totally smitten by was Helena Vaari, from Finland whose fabric and machine embroidery "paintings" were brilliant - to me especially the close up detail ones of clothing - so tactile you wanted to reach out and touch them.
Of course there was a tent full of artists materials to buy - such temptation and a tent with stalls where artists were selling their work. I was able to meet up with Lesley Strickland again who makes lovely Jewellery, and I'm lucky enough to have quite a collection of her now.
Sounds like you had a great day. I'll have to make a note and try and get there next year.