Tuesday 19 April 2011

'Strata' quilt - continued

I have been away, celebrating my Dad's 92nd birthday and using the time to think about what I've been doing and how I want to move on. I've made a few changes to the quilt, adding a border and extending some of the shapes into the border, I think I will also use the same quilting pattern from the strata blocks on into the border to create a bit more continuity.
I have a little bit of block printing to add to the plain horizontal section which will provide the shapes to quilt. I am going to use the ideas I had for the very small strata piece shown in my previous post for some of the sections of this quilt. I am quite tempted to create an asymmetric lower edge and sides by cutting around the shapes I quilt in the border.
I'm going to try a sample of that next.

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