Friday 10 February 2012

Snow dyeing

I have been making the most of this grim weather! Each time it has snowed I have been out and tried some samples of snow dyeing! The internet is wonderful, so many different "recipes" to choose from, but as this was my 1st attempt I went for a straight forward version from Nancy S Breland from Prochemical & Dye in USA, using Procion Dye, where I guess they get to try this more regularly!
I had one length of fabric pre-soaked in Soda Ash so used that and set further lengths to soak.
Our 1st snowfall was deep but it started thawing in the morning so by the time I got to it, it was a bit granular.
I used an old collander and a deep plastic food store so the dye would drain into a contained space.
I added a little snow at the bottom and added the scrunched up fabric. I then added piles of snow on top and poured on a mixture of Turquoise dye and a Blue/black mix. I then folded the whole container up in the plastic sheeting and put it out of the way in the kitchen. I was a little messy - lessons learned but no damage done to anything.
24hrs later I emptied the dye and washed out the fabric. I had not quite accounted for the diluting effect of the snow so the resulting fabric is a little pale, subtle I should say.
Now, this morning we had fresh snow again so again I set up the box and collander but this time the snow was lighter.
Using magenta and blue/black this time.
Wrapped it up and am leaving it until tomorrow.
However, curiosity killed the cat - and I had a peek to see what was happening:
Can't wait for the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Sarah,
    What fun. I was reading about snow dyeing last year in Chicago and sorry I couldn't try it out, and then forgot all about it. A lot else going on I suppose. But your results look very exciting so if we get more snow I might have a go.
    Sue King
