At present I am trying out a whole range of possible design ideas that will help me to crystallise my ideas for several larger pieces of work. One of the most simple and geometric images I came back from Jordan with were the entrances to rock dwellings in Petra. I like the simplicity and want to explore the use of this image to create a piece of work.
The photos show the rock dwelling; my CAD design ideas and a small worked sample. Colour scheme is right but the fabrics were just what I had to hand and therefore in places a bit of a distraction. This sample had the apertures appliqued to a base fabric, but I want to try cutting away the base fabric and placing the aperture fabrics behind to see if that makes a difference.
This has been very enjoyable playing, I must now make some decisions as I want to dye some fabrics next week so that I can get the palette right and because I wasn't to gain confidence in producing my own.
Great work - I'm really enjoying seeing your work develop.