Sunday 27 May 2012

New work in progress....

I have been sitting on a collection of fabrics since Festival last year. I was very clear about the palette but less sure about the the design. I am now working full stretch on this, which has a title " Gorgeous Gullion". (A Gullion is a jewel) I am creating some strip pieced abstract 'jewels'  which will then be inset into a piece of batik from Ghana.
I'm really exited about this piece now, especially as I have been looking at the stash for months!

Each section will be made separately and then joined to create the whole and I want to include quite a lot of surface decoration once the whole thing is pieced.


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing how this one goes.
    What sort of surface decoration are you planning to do?

  2. Congratulations on your WOW article Emma. If only I was at home with my sewing machine and my scrap bag! Still the inspiration will last until we get bakc home!
