Saturday 20 February 2010

Setting out.......Again

Following the success of the Easter Exhibition we were encouraged to plan for another exhibition opportunity the following year. This time to interpret a piece of poetry unconstrained by size.
It took quite some while before I felt I had found the poem I could really work with and to try new techniques, again trying to unconstrain myself.
My Poem: Cher Frère Blanc by Léopold Sedar Senghor
1906 - 2001

Quand je suis nee, j'étais noir
Quand j'ai grandi, j'étais noir
Quand je vais au soleil, je suis noir
Quand j'ai peur, je suis noir
Quand je suis malade, je suis noir
Quand je mourrai, je serrai noir

tandis que toi, homme blanc

Quand tu es nee, tu étais rose
Quand tu a grandi, tu es blanc
Quand tu va au soleil, tu es rouge
Quand tu as peur, tu es vert
Quand tu es malade, tu es jaune
Quand tu mourras, tu serras gris

Alors, de nous deux, qui est l’homme de couleur?

I loved the simplicity of the words and the clarity of the sentiment and I felt I could interpret this in fabric. The poem is a reflection of his views and I used reflections in plate glass windows to create the image and the incorporate the colours in the reflections.
I made each line of the poem into a separate quilt about A4 size and then tied them together to create the whole piece. Each quilt was made up of layers of febric topped with a sheer, machine stitched, fabrics cut away and then machine quilted.
Now I felt I was really on the road and could begin to explore.

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