Monday, 12 August 2013

Bookwrap Gems!

Wow! What an amazing 4 days. Thanks to the wonderful generosity of quilters we had over 2000 Bookwraps in the Tombola and raised around £7000. (Final figures to come)
CQers are an outgoing lot and there was alot of cheering and noise along with the bell to greet every winner. My thanks to all who contributed with wraps or volunteers on the stall for making it a very successful Festival Tombola.
In full swing
An exhausting time, little opportunity to see much of the show, but found some lovely pieces and galleries in the odd moments available.
Now, after I've cleared away all traces of this I can begin to think about being creative again.


  1. Ah, Sarah - I thought it was you (trying to put the name to the blog) - sadly I did not win one but a great idea and a marvelous amount of money.

    In the end I only got around to making a couple (I had intended to do more than that) but I don't think you were short of wraps in the end.

    Loved the bell by the way! Great idea!

  2. Congratulations on the Tombola, Sarah. I had a great time doing my stint on Saturday morning and the excitement was infectious.
